- MIT just launched three small satellites to the ISS abort a Russian rocket.
- The FAA Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (CST) is having a meeting open to the public on legislative activities, among other things.
- Sam Dinkin wants to have a White House lawn event for new space/space tourism. (scroll down in the comments).
- Michael Belfiore continues his dicussion of Mojave.
- NASA finally launched a new climate satellite (after 6 delays). Here is NASA Space Flight & John Kelly's blog.
- Some people have been worried about 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, a comet that is currently falling apart, will slam into Earth. NASA says there is no danger.
- The Mexican Space Agency. No, I'm not kidding.
- China is launching its first lunar probe next April (07). The probe will orbit the moon, followed by a lander/driller a few years later.
- Ken Murphy has an article on Space Activism in Ad Astra.
- Lt Gen Chilton has been appointed the commander of Air Force Space Command. Chilton is a former shuttle astronaut.
- The Washington Post thinks the shuttle is a dinosaur.
- Malaysia's astronauts have left for Russia to begin training.
- Popular Science has a rather simplistic look at what we are giving up to go back to the moon.
- ISDC 2006 is coming to Los Angles.
- Yes, Lockheed really means it, the ULA is in danger.
- Here is Deputy Admin Shana Dale's speech at the Space Exploration Strategy Workshop.

The Launch of the CloudSat and CALIPSO on a Delta 2